The House on Sorority Row (1983)

Directed by Mark Rosman
Cast: Kathryn McNeil, Eileen Davidson, Lois Kelso Hunt, Harley Kozak, Christopher Lawrence, Charles Serio.
1982 92 minutes
Rated: [NR] (equivalent of an R for extreme violence, gore, profanity, a sex scene, and nudity).
Reviewed by Dustin Putman, June 18, 1999.
Director Mark Rosman's "The House on Sorority Row" is a stylishly-filmed, slightly above-average slasher film that nonetheless has the characters mindlessly going off alone in the dark for the simple reason of being slaughtered. The story focuses on a group of sorority sisters who have just graduated from college, but before they go are planning to throw a party. To get back at their sorority headmaster, an older woman (Lois Kelso Hunt) who gave birth to a deformed child twenty years before, they plan to play a little prank on her, only to see it backfire when they accidentally shoot her for real. After disposing of the body in the school's decrepit swimming pool, their party must go on. Only problem is, the body soon disappears from the water, and the girls start dropping off like flies. You know where the story is going every second of the way, and you find yourself yelling at the characters on-screen for doing idiotic things in the most dire of circumstances. Rosman, you're a polished director with a lot of promise, but give the viewer a little credit, why don't you!
© 1999 by Dustin Putman