| Death of a Nation (2018)

Directed by Dinesh D'Souza and Bruce Schooley.
Featuring: Dinesh D'Souza.
2018 – 108 minutes
Rated: (for strong thematic material including violence/disturbing images, some language and brief drug use).
Reviewed by Dustin Putman for TheFilmFile.com, December 17, 2018.
 Documentaries are meant to educate and inform, not insult and deaden brain cells. "Death of a Nation," directed by Dinesh D'Souza and Bruce Schooley, is intellectually dishonest, morally hypocritical swill presupposing that the Democratic party of 2018 is no different than the Democratic party of 1860: full of racist, fascist, violent thieves who "want to steal our wealth and our earnings and our lives." Nuance-free and divorced from reality, the film dares to compare the beliefs of Adolf Hitler with those of Senators Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders while painting President Donald Trump as a flag-waving savior whose every action is driven by his nationalistic love of America. 
"How do we fight the tyranny of the Left?" D'Souza asks as he wanders around city streets, lingering creepily outside the New York Times building. Queasy and repugnantly biased, conveniently overlooking the very real modern divides occurring in the U.S., the picture reminds again and again of the feature-length rantings of fear-mongering QAnon conspiracy theorists. Upon sitting and suffering through "Death of a Nation," I had a nightmare involving a nefarious mind-control takeover perpetrated by the Far Right. This may not have precisely been the propagandist filmmaker's intention, but, based on the evidence in this film, he wouldn't have a problem with such a horrifying dystopian scenario. In D'Souza's delusional eyes—and it's right there in the title—the country's demise, perpetrated by progressivism, is perilously nigh.